Kochubei Sergei

Senior Researcher

PhD in Physics


Tungsten Isotope-Specific UV-Photodecomposition of W(CO)6 at 266 nm

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Singlet Oxygen 1O2 in Photocatalysis on TiO2. Where Does It Come from?

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Reply to Comments on “Singlet Oxygen 1O2 in Photocatalysis on TiO2. Where Does It Come from?”

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

A Broadband Near-IR Detector Based on a Large-Area InGaAs Photodiode for Time-Resolved Detection of Singlet Oxygen

Instruments and Experimental Techniques

REMPI detection of singlet oxygen 1O2 arising from UV‑photodissociation of van der Waals complex isoprene-oxygen C5H8‑O2

Chemical Physics Letters

Decomposition Pathways of Titanium Isopropoxide Ti(OiPr)4: New Insights from UV-Photodissociation Experiments and Quantum Chemical Calculations

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Photodissociation of van der Waals complexes of iodine X–I2 (X = I2, C2H4) via charge-transfer state: A velocity map imaging investigation

The Journal of Chemical Physics

Oxygen-assisted excitation of methyl iodide as a test of double spin-flip transition in van der Waals complex CH3I-O2

Chemical Physics Letters

Singlet oxygen photogeneration from X–O2 van der Waals complexes: double spin-flip vs. charge-transfer mechanism

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Singlet oxygen O2(a1Δg) formation via UV-excitation of isoprene-oxygen C5H8–O2 encounter complexes in gas phase

Chemical Physics Letters

Predissociation of high-lying Rydberg states of molecular iodine via ion-pair states

The Journal of Chemical Physics

Oxygen-assisted enhancement of H atom UV-photogeneration from hydrocarbons in van der Waals complexes RH–O2

Chemical Physics Letters

Quantum Yield and Mechanism of Singlet Oxygen Generation via UV Photoexcitation of O2–O2 and N2–O2 Encounter Complexes

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Ionic Pathways following UV Photoexcitation of the (HI)2 van der Waals Dimer

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Pulsed source of metal atoms and their compounds

Review of Scientific Instruments

UV photodissociation of the van der Waals dimer (CH3I)2 revisited: Pathways giving rise to ionic features

The Journal of Chemical Physics